Saturday, August 16, 2008

New Prayer Requests

We haven't updated our prayer request list in a long while.  Here are some current needs:
  • Safe travels and easy transition back into our latin culture.  Stan travels on 8/22 and me and the kids on 8/25.  This has been our first furlough since being on the field, and we all have mixed feelings about leaving our family in the US, etc.
  • Remember Landon especially as he will be transitioning back into school this year (6th grade).  He was homeschooled last year and loved the independence that brought.  He will most likely have issues transitioning back into the strict structure/time frames of regular school.  He is also missing his cousins already.  He has had the hardest time adjusting to living in Ecuador.  He’s accepted it, but doesn’t love it.  So remember him in prayer.
  • Stan continues to direct the Nazarene International Language Institute (NILI) a Spanish study-abroad program for US university students who come to Ecuador to study Spanish in an immersion situation.  Because this is a new program, there are still a lot of details to work out, improve on, etc.  Also, Kim Hadden is a Mission Corps Volunteer that begins her new role as NILI Student Life Director this August.  This is a job with a lot of responsibility, so pray for her stamina, health, patience, wisdom, etc.
  • STNS:  South American Theological Nazarene Seminary:  our seminary is experiencing growing pains (which is a good thing, but requires wisdom and patience on everyone’s part).  Pray for the leadership and the students.


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